File Sizes: Track Bad Downloads
Below are the file sizes for all the last part files of all scenarios. The last parts of the zip files are the only files that have a different size, so those are the only ones we list. IF the zip file part is not the last one, then the FULL ZIP file size applies.
- FULL ZIP: 8,522,825,728 bytes (7.93 GB)
- scenario36:
- csv 23.6 MB (24,826,153 bytes)
- gps 11.9 MB (12,535,384 bytes)
- pwr 84.5 MB (88,623,841 bytes)
- lidar 376 MB (394,361,348 bytes)
- radar 2.39 GB (2,568,378,374 bytes)
- rgb90 5.97 GB (6,418,857,226 bytes)
- rgb180 6.35 MB (6,669,185 bytes)
- sat 5.13 GB (5,516,368,430 bytes)
- scenario 37:
- csv: 29.6 MB (31,114,352 bytes)
- gps: 13.7 MB (14,395,809 bytes)
- pwr: 106 MB (111,920,222 bytes)
- lidar: 2.70 GB (2,904,635,655 bytes)
- radar: 2.42 GB (2,609,297,361 bytes)
- rgb90: 2.82 GB (3,038,648,596 bytes)
- rgb180: 4.71 GB (5,064,729,720 bytes)
- sat: 6.06 GB (6,510,163,977 bytes)
- scenario 38:
- csv: 34.5 MB (36,275,685 bytes)
- gps: 17.3 MB (18,175,338 bytes)
- pwr: 125 MB (131,177,477 bytes)
- lidar: 4.77 GB (5,131,425,079 bytes)
- radar: 636 MB (667,874,789 bytes
- rgb90: 3.99 GB (4,289,451,337 bytes)
- rgb180: 5.90 GB (6,339,032,466 bytes)
- sat: 5.53 GB (5,943,111,736 bytes)
- scenario 39:
- csv: 19.5 MB (20,552,305 bytes)
- gps: 9.83 MB (10,308,025 bytes)
- pwr: 71.3 MB (74,815,345 bytes)
- lidar: 7.65 GB (8,219,111,173 bytes)
- radar: 6.69 GB (7,184,989,668 bytes)
- rgb90: 4.39 GB (4,722,398,879 bytes)
- rgb180: 3.89 GB (4,181,891,143 bytes)
- sat: 3.19 GB (3,433,161,558 bytes)