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[Solved] Training Radar Aided Beamforming
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14/02/2024 7:58 am
Hi DeepSense Team,
I modified
and tried to train the model using the modified script. This is the modified script
import torch from radar_network_models import LeNet_RadarCube, LeNet_RangeAngle, LeNet_RangeVelocity from radar_preprocessing_torch import range_velocity_map, range_angle_map, radar_cube from network_functions import test_loop, evaluate_predictions, train_loop from dataset import load_radar_data # Model Name model_folder = 'type0_split100_batchsize32_rng0_epoch40' # Radar Cube solution # model_folder = 'type1_split100_batchsize32_rng0_epoch40' # Range-Velocity solution # model_folder = 'type2_split100_batchsize32_rng0_epoch40' # Range-Angle solution model_path = './saved_models/' + model_folder + '/' # Dataset Files dataset_dir = r'./Scenario9/development_dataset' # Development dataset location csv_file = 'scenario9_dev_train.csv' # Test CSV file # Solution Type Selection / Automatically extracted from folder name data_type = int(model_folder.split('_')[0][-1]) # 0: Radar Cube / 1: Range Velocity / 2: Range Angle # Define set of preprocessing and neural networks for different solutions preprocessing_functions = [radar_cube, range_velocity_map, range_angle_map] neural_nets = [LeNet_RadarCube, LeNet_RangeVelocity, LeNet_RangeAngle] # Load Data X_train, y_train = load_radar_data(dataset_dir, csv_file, radar_column='unit1_radar_1', label_column='beam_index_1') # Radar Preprocessing preprocessing_function = preprocessing_functions[data_type] X_train = preprocessing_function(X_train) # PyTorch Tensors X_train = torch.from_numpy(X_train) y_train = torch.from_numpy(y_train) # Neural Network Settings if torch.cuda.is_available(): dev_name = 'cuda' elif torch.backends.mps.is_available(): dev_name = 'mps' else: dev_name = 'cpu' device = torch.device(dev_name) net = neural_nets[data_type]() print('Training..') topk = 5 criterion = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss() optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(net.parameters(), lr=1e-3, weight_decay=1e-4) train_loop(X_train, y_train, net, optimizer, criterion, device, batch_size=32, model_path=model_path+'modelcustom.pth')
and the modified train_loop() function is below:
def train_loop(X_train, y_train, net, optimizer, criterion, device, batch_size=64, model_path='./model_custom.pth'): net.train() running_acc = 0.0 running_loss = 0.0 with tqdm(iterate_minibatches(X_train, y_train, batch_size, shuffle=True), unit=' batch', total=int(np.ceil(X_train.shape[0]/batch_size)), file=sys.stdout, leave=True) as tepoch: for batch_x, batch_y in tepoch: batch_x, batch_y =, optimizer.zero_grad() # Make the gradients zero batch_y_hat = net(batch_x) # Prediction loss = criterion(batch_y_hat, batch_y) # Loss computation loss.backward() # Backward step optimizer.step() # Update coefficients predictions = batch_y_hat.argmax(dim=1, keepdim=True).squeeze() batch_correct = (predictions == batch_y).sum().item() running_acc += batch_correct batch_loss = loss.item() running_loss += batch_loss tepoch.set_postfix(loss=batch_loss, accuracy=100. * batch_correct/batch_size) curr_acc = 100. * running_acc/len(X_train) curr_loss = running_loss/np.ceil(X_train.shape[0]/batch_size), model_path) print('saved in ' + model_path) print('Training: [accuracy=%.2f, loss=%.4f]' % (curr_acc, curr_loss), flush=True) return curr_loss, curr_acc
I print the accuracy and loss and get this result :
[accuracy=11.26, loss=3.7072]
I suppose that I didn't set some parameters correctly. From your this line code, I suppose that I have to set
split=100, rng=0, and epoch=40
. How to set this params and any other suggestion?
18/02/2024 5:18 am
Hi @avn,
I've added a training example ( to the GitHub repo. You can use it as a reference.
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18/02/2024 5:31 am
Thank you for your response....
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